Domestic Violence:  The Warning Signs:

This list can help you determine if you (or someone you know) is in a violent relationship.  The more of the behaviors that apply, the more dangerous the situation.

* Physical or Sexual Abuse, threats, harassment or stalking.
* Verbal Abuse: name calling, accusing or making humiliating gestures.
* Dispespectful of you and your feelings.
*Putting you down in front of others.
*Pressue Tactics: rushing you to make decisions through intimidation.
*Breaking Promises; not following through on agreements; being unfair.
*Emotional Withholding: not expressing feelings or giving emotional support.
*Minimizing, denying and blaming;  making light of abusive behavior.
*Enonomic Control: not permitting you to work or have money of your own.
*Self-destructive behavior:  abusing drugs, alcohol or threats of suicide.

What To Do About It:

* If you have been physically abused:  GET OUT!  
* Call the police.
* Get a protection order.
* Make your home as safe as possible.
* Change locks and making telephones easily accessible.
* Plan and rehearse an escape route.
* Decide where you will go in an emergency.
* Teach children to call the police and a safe relative.
* Pack an emergency bag and hide it. 
* Include in the bag: extra money, change of clothes,  court documents.

TTY: 800-787-3224

A great tool to manage your custody schedule:Click Here!
To read, "The Origin of Life", Click Here!
Click Here! for tips on how to have a clutter free home!

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